Monday, 1 June 2015

The Long Nanny Tern Site - A Great Conservation Story

The Long Nanny, before the birds arrive © National Trust

May is nearly over and spring is trying its best here in Northumberland despite the occasional hail showers. Flowers are blooming, trees are finally in leaf and for the ranger team it is the start of another Tern breeding season. Every year, thousands of shore birds nest on the Long Nanny spit, just south of Beadnell, and since 1977 National Trust rangers have worked to protect the site and birds that breed there.

Both staff and volunteers have been hard at work over the last few weeks setting up the site: strimming vegetation, installing signs, putting up electric fences to deter predators, erecting the toilet sheds and, most importantly, making sure our five new seasonal rangers have settled into what will be their home for the next three months.
Setting Up The Site © The National Trust

Over the summer the team will be camping in the dunes, providing a 24 hour watch to protect the nesting birds from predators while welcoming visitors to the site. It is well worth a visit; a short walk from either Beadnell or High Newton will bring you to the viewing platform where one of the rangers will be there to answer any questions.

The Long Nanny Ranger Team © The National Trust

The birds haven’t wasted any time getting settled and more nests are appearing every day. It is all we can do to keep up with them. The team have been busy raising Little Tern nests onto fishing crates to help protect them from the recent high tides and Ringed Plover nests have been adorned with wire mesh covers to protect the eggs from crows and other predating birds.

Last year the site was home to 2443 pairs of Arctic Terns, and 30 pairs of Little Terns, making the site one of the great conservation stories on the Northumberland Coast. Our dedicated team of National Trust rangers are there to help ensure a successful breeding season for all the site's birds, and in particular, one of the country's most endangered species, the Little Tern.

Fingers crossed the birds will have another successful year. 

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